Services offered by A Welcome Change Holistic Healing do not take the place of conventional medicine. We do not claim to medically diagnose or treat conditions. Whilst the aim is to always work for your benefit and to liaise with any other practitioner tending to you, if necessary, no guarantees of success or liability is accepted in the sincere effort to alleviate pain and secure a better way of life for you.
It is assumed that the information that you give in your client information form is correct and true. By taking a case history, Bronwyn can ascertain any symptoms, injuries or medication that may affect your treatment.
It is your responsibility to inform any medical practitioner that you are receiving treatment that may involve dietary or lifestyle changes.
You understand that services offered by A Welcome Change Holistic Healing advocates a self-responsibility model of healing which requires your participation and involvement. You and your body are the healer of yourself, guided and supported by Bronwyn, as the practitioner.